Monday, 16 August 2010

16th August 2010

sent to my Mum in Peebles, Scotland

Just to let you all know that I still have a few places left on the address list so just send me an email if you would like to recieve a Today I Saw postcard in the mail. I'll write an update when the list is full.

It's good to be back : )

Update: The address list is now full. I shall request more addresses in about a month.


  1. I was trying to send you my address, but I can't seem to find your email address on here! Please reserve me a space on the list though!

    Also, do you live in Scotland? I'm from Ayrshire, and currently split my time between Dundee and Glasgow!

  2. Lisa-Marie,

    My email is
    worst email EVER I know.

    I live in London. But I used to live in Glasgow and my family live in Scotland (Edinburgh and Peebles) but we aren't from there, we're from Liverpool. I think Glasgow is a fantastic place. I loved it there!

  3. Thanks Jill I'll look forward to receiving it.m.x
