Monday, 26 December 2011

Handmade Christmas: Oven mitts

I hope you had a happy and enjoyable day with your loved ones yesterday. My day was spent with my family and consisited of eating, drinking, lots of excited present opening by little ones and a little woodwork in the garage, you know for some quiet time : )

I managed to make most Christmas presents for family and friends this year and those which I did buy where mostly from Sonia's or Melissa's shops. So I was happy and looking forward to giving them out on Christmas day. Over the next week I'll show a present each day which I made. I'll start with the pot holders and oven mitts I made for my brother and his wife. I loved making these and made another set in green for my other brother and his wife. What presents did you make this year?


  1. These look so charming! I love the patterns you made! Very inspired to make a potholder of my own... I don't sew much but I should be able to handle a potholder.

  2. prettiest oven mitt i have ever seeen

  3. the potholders are great ~ are the bindings handsewn?!
