I've been thinking about what to do with the Today I Saw postcards. I've decided to only draw things which really stand out at me. I'm not going to write the date on as I never seem to manage to draw, photograph and blog something the same day that I see it. I'll hopefully do one or two a week and I'll be doing them in colour for a while.
sending this one to Nancy Wilson in France
ReplyDeleteI'm totally thrilled this is heading my way! This is without doubt one of my favorite sites (and sounds) of the season! I thank you so much in advance.
ReplyDeleteThis looks lovely!AriadnefromGreece!
ReplyDeleteI love this one Jill!
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely blog you have! adore the idea and love your little drawings. happy to have found it :-)
ReplyDeleteoh my, this one is worth a print of its own ! Beautiful, Jill ! oxox
ReplyDeleteI like your drawings AND your paintings - I like them all! It's nice to play with new materials and switch it up every once in a while. In fact, I just got out my paints too! xo