Tuesday, 15 September 2009

14th September 2009

sent to Alice in Edinburgh. It's so grey outside that the photograph looks yellowy. I'll have to find a solution before those dark winter nights.


  1. How fun! Kind of reminds me of the movie "A Room With a View" when they are playing tennis.

  2. I like the tennis drawing!

  3. Stopping by to say hi :) Looks like you had a nice Monday!

  4. doodle girl, I haven't seen that film but i will now.

  5. Some times in my head I pretend that I am u and that i draw all the cool pics u do and send them to everyone I can find knowing that I have paid forward a smile to you all for ALL the smiles u bring me!!! Thanks for allowing me to know that every day I know that I will smile and have a joyful heart at least ONCE!!! Keep on keepin on with your awesome "Today I Saws(s)!!" Have a great day ;-)

  6. I bought the book Room with a View the other week I'll save it for you to read if you want. Love mum x

  7. That's great Mum. Thanks, I'll look forward to it. X X X
